Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Blogosphere

There are a lot of crazy blogs out there  (speak for yourself Buller) but if you are looking for some challenging ideas regarding todays church vs. todays culture check out

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

All We Need Is Just A Little Patience

It’s occurred to me recently just how impatient I am. I want my sons room cleaned NOW! I want our church to reach more people NOW! I want lunch NOW!!

Maybe my Microwave mentality isn’t all that troubling given the limited time I have on the planet. BUT what happens when our impatience ceases to become a matter of inconvenience and begins to dictate how we live our lives. Or worse, affects how we treat the people God has placed in our lives?

When my impatience with my sons messy room results in my treating him as something less than the gift from God he is to me, has my impatience taken that relationship to a new low?

A friend of mine named Doug was not a kind soul in his younger days. He went as far as to say he was a tool for evil. I met Doug again several years ago. He talked a different story. He was a “Christian” now and involved in ministry. As hard as I tried I could not accept his “change of heart” on the spot. I wanted proof and I wanted it NOW!! I think I sinned against Doug that day. Does that make sense? Over the past few years I have seen a genuine change in Doug’s life. At the same time I’ve heard from God time and time again, “Patience Ed, Patience!”

Is there someone in your life that God wants you to be patient with? Is there something happening in your life that you should wait on just a little longer before you make a decision. The answer is YES!

The word of God clearly states that Patience is a Fruit of Gods spirit. I think Patience is actually an expression of Grace. Heaven knows I’d like more of it from others. 

Do you realize that taking more time and being less impatient is actually waiting on God?

Before making up your mind on something or someone this week, try approaching them or it with patience. You might be pleasantly surprised at the outcome. Read Galatians 5:22-26 while you’re at it.

What do you think?

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Church on the Web?????

I received some constructive criticism this week about our church website. The criticism suggested that we should not be spending any money on a website for the church. Instead, the money could be spent elsewhere for better purposes.

My first instinct was to disregard the criticism. Then I thought about it. Imagine that, me actually thinking. So I took a trip over to my Facebook page and asked the question “Should churches spend money on websites?” The responses came back overwhelmingly positive. Words like “Yes” and “Absolutely” abounded. I quietly thanked myself that my thoughts about church websites had been vindicated!

Then God got a hold of me again. Imagine that, God prompting me to think. That’s twice now for those of you keeping track. Here is that God thought:

Exactly who would be visiting my Facebook site to answer the question “Should churches spend money on websites?” Well, people who spent a lot of time on computers of course! They are the only ones who look at my Facebook page. in short the people answering the question are all people who would be in favor of church websites People who already use technology as a tool for building the kingdom.

In other words I was preaching to the choir.

I’m still in favor of spending money on our church website. Last week I talked to no less than three people who said that one of the reasons why they attended our church for the first time was because of the information they found about our church on (drumroll please)  the website!

At the same time, I’m reminded that when we are seeking the truth about what people think it’s a good idea to ask everyone and not just those who you already know agree with you. If you’re not sure what I’m saying ask yourself this question.

How many times have I asked someone for advice and or input when I already know where their advice and or input will be?

That’s why I allowed seeking God! His advice is exciting, frustrating, mystifying, mind-numbing, life transforming, stretch the living daylights out of me-ing and so much more.  Rarely do I know exactly what I’m going to get from God until I honestly and openly ask him, seek him, listen to him and then do what he says.

1Corinthians 2:6-8
6We do, however, speak a message of wisdom among the mature, but not the wisdom of this age or of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing. 7No, we speak of God's secret wisdom, a wisdom that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory before time began. 8None of the rulers of this age understood it, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.

 Anyways, that’s what I think. What you think?

Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween Apples

Ed talking to his daughter Alyson

Ed: Alyson, why do you celebrate Halloween?
Aly: Because I like to dress up and get candy!
Ed: That's it??
Aly: What else is there???

Facebook Chatter

It's been awhile since I've seen such passionate responses to a question I posed on facebook. The question: "Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?" You should know from the start that I'm a big believer in Christians celebrating Halloween with our children and their friends. I think it's a powerful way to build relationships with people that don't know Jesus. 

I can just imagine being invited to trick-or-treat with a friend and his daughter and

- saying no
- explaining the Satanic reasons behind my stance
- watching his eyes glaze over with confusion and disappointment
- listening to him mutter as he walks away "Yikes. What's up with him? I'm just hanging out with my kids and dressing up, not worshipping the devil. You won't catch me in his church anytime soon."

In my opinion the Halloween arguement has become overblown and evil is loving the view as Christians throw mud at each other over this issue. I've even been told that by dressing my kids up I'm encouraging a celebration of all things evil because of how the holiday began. Did you know that Christmas began as a non Christian Beer Bash and Orgy back in the day. It seems to me that when Christians finally picked Christmas Day as the day to celebrate the birth of Christ they were redeeming both the day and the celebration. 

Can we not do the same with Halloween?

In the end... what are we celebrating? On Christmas I choose to celebrate the birth of Christ and not alcohol and sex in all its perversions. On Halloween I choose to celebrate family and build relationships with my neighbors and their families. As I build those relationships I hope to help God expand his kingdom. What witness do I send to my non-Christian neighbours by turning my lights out on Halloween or celebrating the evening inside the walls of the church instead of the community? Does evil win or lose if I dress up with my daughter and head out looking for candy???

Matthew 5:14-16
14"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. 15Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl (or in a dark house, or at a harvest party with church kids)! Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.

By the way, we don't really know the exact day of the year that Jesus was born. We just know that he was born (the bible is pretty clear on that)! Back in the day the church chose December 25th. Wouldn't it be a little intriguing if the actual day Christ was born was October 31st? I'm not saying it was... just talking story...

Anyways that's what I think. What do you think? Please feel free to comment. All I ask is that you don't get angry and judge others comments. Approach this and all opinions with grace. Thats how I read he bible. 

Bonus Material: For more on Christianity and Halloween take a trip over to my friend Steves website. He in an international best selling Christian musician and he has an intrguing take on the history of Halloween and the present response to it. You can find it at... 

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


The "San Diego Zoo" and "Wild Animal Park" are two fascinating places our family visited on a recent trip to the mainland. I could've sat and watched the Gorillas for hours, the meerkats were hilarious and the elephants were quite simply impressively enormous.

Something else struck me about my time with the animals. There were a number of animals we saw that were on the verge of extinction. Breeding programs had been set up to try and save a number of the species but these programs were producing mixed results.

Do you know that it takes 85 Christians one year on average to produce one new believer in Jesus Christ? How are we doing when it comes to our own breeding program? I'd suggest and 85 to 1 ratio isn't really something to be proud of.

I'm all for the preservation of the animal kingdom. That was one of the major reasons I took my family to the zoo and the wild animal park on our vacation. At the same time, I think it's high time that those of us who believe in Jesus put a lot more time into our own breeding program. You might know that program better as the great commission.

I'm pretty sure that Christians won't become extinct before the return of Jesus. That's how I read the Bible. But I would hate for my grandchildren to take a guided tour of the Christian heritage museum one day, and have the guide point out to them the six or seven Christians left in the country while discussing the specialty programs designed to keep this unique species of humans available for all to see.

Tour Guide: Keep your eyes open!! Around this next corner if we're lucky, we might catch a glimpse of one of the last North American "Born Again" Christians. This species of Christian is so endangered that it is not expected to survive past the next decade. We've tried to breed them but so far they seem to be quite content not to reproduce. Look!! There's one now. Oh, my mistake, that's Joe the park Janitor. 

Matthew 28:18-20
19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[a] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

What do you think? Comments are welcome!!!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Sunday Mornings

Ever wonder what we expect from God when we come to church on Sunday mornings?  Maybe, just maybe, it's time for us to come with Him in mind more than ourselves in mind. What do you think? Take this with a grain of salt. It's not intended to offend.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Progressive Vs. Regressive Thinking

The problem with cable news thinking by Seth Godin

Not only the networks of all political persuasions that come to mind, but the mindset they represent... When I was growing up, Eyewitness News always found a house on fire in South Buffalo. "Tonight's top story," Irv Weinstein would intone, "...a fire in South Buffalo." Every single night. If you watched the news from out of town, you were sure that the city must have completely burned to the ground. 

Cable news thinking has nothing to do with fires or with politics. Instead, it amplifies the worst elements of emotional reaction:

1. Focus on the urgent instead of the important.

2. Vivid emotions and the visuals that go with them as a selector for what's important.

3. Emphasis on noise over thoughtful analysis.

5. Unwillingness to reverse course and change one's mind.

6. Xenophobic and jingoistic reactions (fear of outsiders).

7. Defense of the status quo encouraged by an audience self-selected to be uniform.

8. Things become important merely because others have decided they are important.

9. Top down messaging encourages an echo chamber (agree with this edict or change the channel).

10. Ill-informed about history and this particular issue.

11. Confusing opinion with the truth.

12. Revising facts to fit a point of view.

13. Unwillingness to review past mistakes in light of history and use those to do better next time.

If I wanted to hobble an organization or even a country, I'd wish these traits on them. I wonder if this sounds like the last board meeting you went to...

Monday, September 14, 2009

Hangin On

Spent some time at Salt Pond Beach Park today with the family. As we were relaxing in Gods creation I watched the Kite Surfers who on a very windy day seemed to be flying across the ocean on the power of the God sent wind.

For a while I wasn't sure what impressed me more... the artistry of the kite surfers or the wind that carried them along.

Then I realized that without the wind, the surfers were for lack of a better word "nothing."

It was the wind which carried them across the waves and provided all of their power. They were then free to harness the power into a thing of beauty.

I was reminded that the provider of that same wind is also the driving force and power behind every good thing you and I do.

I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me.
Philippians 4:13

I was also struck by the idea that even when the wind was blowing, if the kite surfers weren't holding on securely they were bound to fail. Don't you think that all too often God is right there beside us and we choose not to hold on to him and his power, fall and then try to blame him?

My friends, God is right beside you ready to power you to amazing heights! Hold on tight! Enjoy the ride! Sharpen your skills! The skills that God has placed in you to fly high under his power!

Feel free to tell me what you think... and have a great day!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

How amazing is grace if...

Last time I checked the bible there were 127 uses of the word grace and many more allusions to the concept.

One of my favorite references to grace is found in 1st Peter 4:9-11

9Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. 10Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. 11If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.

All too often our problem is that this very grace talked about ALL OVER the bible remains stuck in the word and not lived out in our daily lives. I know that I for one am guilty of this on too many occasions to count!

What does grace mean when taken from the bible and lived out?? I think it means

a) Giving someone the benefit of the doubt before assuming the worst or being disappointed in them.
b) Leading with forgiveness, mercy and compassion before leading with consequences and coldness.
c) Responding the way you would hope to be responded to if the "shoe was on the other foot."

And so much more.

My best friend showed up 30 minutes late for a football game when I was 17. We missed the 1st quarter. Lets just say I didn't respond with grace and it was a very long and quiet football game. Later that day I found out that he had been in an accident and in my haste to lead with coldness I shut down a friend / his story / and a great time at the game. Thank God for a forgiving friend!

Have you been disappointed in someone or something recently? How can you respond with grace?

Dear God,

Most of the time I don't do grace like you do. Your grace is inspiring stuff, especially considering what I've done. Would you help me show your grace to others today in a way that inspires them and me and makes you proud?


What do you think? Feel free to respond!