Tuesday, November 17, 2009

All We Need Is Just A Little Patience

It’s occurred to me recently just how impatient I am. I want my sons room cleaned NOW! I want our church to reach more people NOW! I want lunch NOW!!

Maybe my Microwave mentality isn’t all that troubling given the limited time I have on the planet. BUT what happens when our impatience ceases to become a matter of inconvenience and begins to dictate how we live our lives. Or worse, affects how we treat the people God has placed in our lives?

When my impatience with my sons messy room results in my treating him as something less than the gift from God he is to me, has my impatience taken that relationship to a new low?

A friend of mine named Doug was not a kind soul in his younger days. He went as far as to say he was a tool for evil. I met Doug again several years ago. He talked a different story. He was a “Christian” now and involved in ministry. As hard as I tried I could not accept his “change of heart” on the spot. I wanted proof and I wanted it NOW!! I think I sinned against Doug that day. Does that make sense? Over the past few years I have seen a genuine change in Doug’s life. At the same time I’ve heard from God time and time again, “Patience Ed, Patience!”

Is there someone in your life that God wants you to be patient with? Is there something happening in your life that you should wait on just a little longer before you make a decision. The answer is YES!

The word of God clearly states that Patience is a Fruit of Gods spirit. I think Patience is actually an expression of Grace. Heaven knows I’d like more of it from others. 

Do you realize that taking more time and being less impatient is actually waiting on God?

Before making up your mind on something or someone this week, try approaching them or it with patience. You might be pleasantly surprised at the outcome. Read Galatians 5:22-26 while you’re at it.

What do you think?


  1. Wow, Pastor Ed, you must be psychic, My wife and I had this same conversation this morning. When it comes to dealing with my sister-in-law, I at time can speak words of destruction rather then words of building and encouragement. When it comes to her I must admit I forget the meaning of the word patience, I have to continue going back to the dictionary and looking up the word. So, now if you'll excuse me I must read Gal 5:22-26, Pray, go apologize to my wife, and go make peace with my sister-in-law.
    Thanks for the reality check/reminder!

  2. Thought-provoking, Pastor Ed. Boy, do we need to be reminded. Impatience, frustration - both are affronts to our Tri-O (omnipotent, omnipresent, omnis...) God. BTW, what took you so long to write this!! Just kidding! Thanks for God-inspired, gut-level sharing, Enjoy yet another opportunity to do Prov 27:17.

  3. Interesting post. . . Over the years I think I have learned how to be much more patient, especially with other people. However I think I am still very impatient with those who are closest to me and I love the most. I tend to take out my frustrations and lack of patience on my husband and my children because I guess I know they will still love me even when I do stuff like that. Yet, I am convicted by how much I need to change and work harder because I don't want to hurt them. When you think about it, it's the same thing with God. We (I) tend to become impatient and frustrated when He doesn't answer right away or the way we think He should. Yet He never stops loving us nor does He ever give up on us. Again I am convicted by my sinfulness and lack of "patience" because God loves me so much that he refuses to forsake me and toss me to the side. Whew. . . boy am I glad for that or where would I, such a wretched sinner be?

  4. WOW gang!! What great thought and insight. Maybe you should be the ones preaching this Sunday :-)

    Interesting how those closest to us get the best AND the worst of us isn;t it. I know teh reason that I sometimes am frustrated at home by my family is their opinion means the most to me in the entire world.
